Where Oh Where Did My Little Blog Go?

Monday, July 20, 2009

Overcoming adversity...

The most profound limitations in life...
are the ones we place on ourselves.


  1. hay cammern my mom said we can come over to more and help paint your room and tack pic for cammern song ok see you this afternoon

  2. Hey what are you doing call me b.r.b.

  3. Hey camcam it is one of your bffls

  4. Christina, my dear friend I can only commend you on being there for Cammie. I, for one, know him personally after being friends with you for a few years and actually living trought this experience with you guys almost a year. I know that your decisions are right and the decisions that many may read here, and think are ones that you have made for Cammie.... I know that they are her own. She speaks her feelings and even her mind, most usually. Sometimes when she knows the world won't be so acceptinmg she tends to clam up a bit and get depressed. Thankks to you, she has learned to open up and stick up for herself, and knows that she has a family filled with support, from three supportive wonderful brother, a loving Mom and stepdad, dad and grandparens (maternal), and a host of aunts uncles and friends. Being gay myself and growing and living part of the battle he is going to face Chrissy. Let me tell you this world is very ugly, and the road she is about to travel is a long one. It will be hard at times so stay strong fo her She'll need you to be there. Maybe with such strong connections to you guys she won't have to cry herself to sleep at night because she's different or, because no one understands her because of her differneces.

    Maybe other people will began to understand from this BLOG too. No GOD doesn't make mistakes or as I like to say "God don't make no junk" we were created in his image and likeness, and it doesn't mean that we are without fault. So what give so many of the people in the world comming to this site or anywhere else the right to be judgemental hypocrits. Many knowing that if Cammie were their child they'd either (1)feel the same way, and embrace her life and the changes that come.(2) repress the changes and have her rebell like hell, resort to a life of drugs to suppress her true fellings and live a very unhappy, unfulvilling life. Or (3) they'd just throw her out to never have to deal with the situation at all.

    Chris I thank you for giving hetr that safe place and letting it be one with familiarity of home. I love you guys and Take care.
